Thursday, June 26, 2008

Let's map it out-time for a CALENDAR!


We have so much planned and so much in the making that it was time for a calendar! Tonight's meeting was very special...we have made some really big commitments and have a lot of follow through in the making! It was awesome to see the group working together to make sure the things that we have set to get done are getting done and that we are assisting one another while doing so!
We tentatively mapped out the rest of the summer's socials and appointments...details to come, but the vision is on paper....and it is SO EXCITING!!
It was neat to see how we are growing to know Elizabeth as well...who communicates with her, why, and how...not only are we are learning about Liz, but also about ourselves...double sided blessing!
This group of women is amazing...or as one of my friend's would say, AMACING...we set out to get inspired, to be challenged, and to grow.....this is what is happening, and it is AMACING!
An insert from my follow up email below:
"This weeks personal challenge is not to lie to yourself, or OTHERS....Easy right!! We all signed up for this one....Good luck, we can do this!
I will be headed to Aram's Auto Body this Monday with Elizabeth, she has the day off and is very excited!"


Marisa Stockwood said...

I am ready and excited to execute the rest of the plans!!

Unknown said...

I know you can do this personal challenge girls!